Vol. IX, No. 9, September 2003

The Black-Out

by Jonathan Wallace

I never saw the streets of New York City so calm and orderly as they were the night of the black-out.

Still Crazy
by Daniel Patrick Welch

Almost only counts in horseshoes and weapons of mass destruction.

Drug Testing
by Joshua Gaines

Not only are these tests so unreliable as to prove all but useless, they represent an invasion of privacy on a scale heretofore unprecedented in America.

If They Gave A Hurricane and No Reporters Came?
by H. Scott Prosterman

Memphis was badly damaged by a hurricane in late July, but no-one knows about it.

The Outrageous Deficit
by Thom Riddle

Our elected "representatives" have put us collectively in debt to the tune of approximately $6.8 Trillion.

Judge Moore's Moral Relativism
by Alasdair Denvil

Judge Moore and his supporters advocate a false theory of the foundation of morality.

Letters To The Ethical Spectacle

Simply outstanding

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"Noticing that no-one held the values I defended, I decided to make a spectacle of myself." --Richard Foreman

Text with Jonathan Wallace byline is copyright Jonathan Wallace 2003. All other text should be assumed to be the copyright of the bylined author.

All art copyright Laurie Caro 2003 except as otherwise indicated
Email: jw@bway.net
Flames will be published with attribution.
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