Abortion and Euthanasia

The Atlantic Monthly once carried a story by a bereaved parent in which she described the loss of her desperately premature son, and the callous attitude of ambitious doctors eager to "push the frontiers" of neo-natal medicine. She ended by lashing out at people who suggest disagreements about right to life issues exist "because some of us are moral and some of us aren't."

Brooklyn Pro-Choice Network Supporting the right of all women to protect and determine their mental and physical health, regardless of economic status. Articles on "How to identify a fake abortion clinic", and many Pro-choice online resource links.
LifeNews.Com News service written by Pro-lifers for Pro-lifers.
NARAL Pro-Choice America NARAL Pro-Choice America works to educate Americans and officeholders about reproductive rights and health issues and elect pro-choice candidates at all levels of government.
National Right to Life Features letter written by Sharon Rocha - mother of Laci Peterson, sponsor of the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, State Homicide Laws that Recognize Unborn Victims, and Key Facts on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act.
Not-2-Late Emergency Contraception Website that maintains a directory of providers who have informed them that they are willing to provide information about and prescribe emergency contraceptives. There is also a FAQ about emergency contraception, news, and a list of relevant publications.
Ohio Right to Life  Recommended by a reader.