

Edward deGrazia, Girls Lean Back Everywhere (New York: Vintage Books 1992). An anecdotal history of the use of obscenity laws to censor literary works, by an attorney who defended Henry Miller and William Burroughs, among others.

Susan M. Easton, The Problem of Pornography (London: Routledge 1994). A British law professor struggles with the question of how to regulate pornography without chilling speech.

Stanley Fish, There's No Such Thing as Free Speech (New York: Oxford University Press 1994). Fish is a law professor and Miltonist, a strange combination. In several essays, including the one from which the book takes its title, he advances an idiosyncratic and somewhat irritating--but highly thought provoking--analysis of First Amendment law.

Kent Greenawalt, Fighting Words (Princeton: Princeton University Press 1995). Columbia Law professor Greenawalt summarizes First Amendment jurisprudence, concentrating on Brandenburg and the theory of "fighting words".

Lawrence K. Grossman, The Electronic Republic (New York: Viking 1995). Grossman is a former president of PBS and of NBC News. He combines insights into the limitations of regulated media with some fascinating stories of his own experiences.

Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent (New York: Pantheon 1988). Herman and Chomsky maintain that the mass media usually tell the official government story where foreign affairs are concerned.

Jethro K. Lieberman, The Evolving Constitution (New York: Random House 1992). A one volume encyclopedia of the Supreme Court's rulings, alphabetical by topic.

Catharine A. MacKinnon, Only Words (Cambridge: Harvard University Press 1993). This is a brilliant, savage polemic against pornography, by a law professor who believes that free speech is at war with the equality of women.

Wendy McElroy, XXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography (New York: St. Martin's Press 1995). McElroy is the counter-MacKinnon; she argues that pornography is healthy and must not be regulated.

Ithiel de Sola Pool, Technologies of Freedom (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983). This remarkable book, published twelve years ago, is about cyberspace, freedom of speech, and media.

Lance Rose, Netlaw (New York: McGraw Hill 1995). Rose is an expert in on-line law, and the book, aimed at system operators and information providers, includes coverage of copyright, First Amendment issues, obscenity and searches and seizures.

Susan Sontag, Styles of Radical Will (Anchor Books 1991), contains the essay "The Pornographic Imagination", which argues that pornography, though repellent, has literary value.

Adele Stan, editor, Debating Sexual Correctness (New York: Delta 1995) is a collection of essays presenting all feminist positions for and against pornography.

Nadine Strossen, Defending Pornography (New York: Scribner 1995). Strossen is the president of the American Civil Liberties Union and presents the civil libertarian perspective that pornography is First Amendment-protected speech.

Robert J. Wagman, The First Amendment Book (New York: Pharos Books 1991). A layman's history of First Amendment case law, with chapters on obscenity, libel and broadcast regulation.



The Fileroom Censorship Archive presents case studies of censorship here and abroad.

Freedom of Expression: Censor Bait contains links to many sites that are threatened by the pending Internet indecency legislation.

Censorship of Pornography in Cyberspace is a great overview, with links to many other resources.

Hats off to the creator of The Flag Burning Page for his combination of a sense of humor, dedication to the First Amendment, and scholarly determination. The definitive site on this highly symbolic issue.

A reader let me know about The Institute for First Amendment Studies.

The First Amendment Cyber-Tribune is an excellent compilation of free speech news, developments, book reviews, op ed pieces and other resources.

First Amendment News is a newsletter covering First Amendment developments including state and local legislation and school board book censorship.