Vol. XXII, No. 6, June 2016

There is No 99%

by Jonathan Wallace

The American and European non-wealthy seem to be almost evenly split between the parties of hope and fear.

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Rags and Bones
by Jonathan Wallace

Hillary's handbag; farewell to Rush Limbaugh; watch lists; the abortion decision.

Providence has not sent a few men into the world ready booted and spurred to ride, and millions ready saddled and bridled to be ridden.

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Jonathan Wallace's Hyperfiction
An Auschwitz Alphabet
Year Zero

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"Noticing that no-one held the values I defended, I decided to make a spectacle of myself."
--Richard Foreman
Past Issues

Text with Jonathan Wallace byline is copyright Jonathan Wallace 2016. All other text should be assumed to be the copyright of the bylined author.
Email: jw@bway.net
Flames will be published with attribution.
All other correspondence may be published unless specifically otherwise requested