
Vol. I, No. 12 December 1995

Introduction: Why Movies Matter

The Funhouse Mirror

Movies and the Failure of Courage

Movies and Morality: Movies, Laundry, Same Thing

Black People as Scenery

Gun Play

Movies as Literature: The Foul Shop

Why Hollywood Can't Tell a Sexual Violence Story

Conclusion: The Million Dollar Movie


Television: The Neverending Story

Guest Voices: more on the movies

Shannon Spencer on Seven and Ethics for Actors

Steve Marovich Joins the Vampire debate:
"It is My Nature": The Scorpion's Rationalization


Please read about Mumia Abu-Jamal

Permanent exhibits

An Auschwitz Alphabet

Letters to the Ethical Spectacle


Other Ethical, Political and Legal Web Sites

Coming next month: The environment. February: Freedom of Speech.

"Noticing that no-one held the values I defended, I decided to make a spectacle of myself."--Richard Foreman

Copyright Jonathan Blumen 1995

Artist: Laurie Caro; all art copyright Laurie Caro 1995 except as otherwise indicated

Email: jblumen@spectacle.org