
Vol. II, No. 1 January 1996

Guest editor: Richard Wallace

Why Endangered Species Protection vs. Economic Development Doesn't Have to Be a Win- Lose Scenario, by Richard Wallace

American Environmentalism: What Price Purity?, by Joseph Wallace

Ethics of Environmental Planning, by Shannon Spencer

Tankers and Spills, by Joseph Gross

Environment--What's in a Word?, by S. Mattingly


Mr. Gingrich and the Environment

The Republicans and the Tragedy of the Commons

Contract Republican Rhetorical Style: An Environmental Example

Two phrases from the Republican-to-English dictionary:

Takings: A speech by Carl Pope of the Sierra Club

Unfunded Mandates

Current events

Dreaming of Peace in Bosnia

The Million Man March

Compassionate Leadership

Guest voices

Shannon Spencer: Third Party Voting

Richard Wallace: Congress Loses its Heart


Congress censors the Net

Please read about Mumia Abu-Jamal

Permanent exhibits

An Auschwitz Alphabet

Letters to the Ethical Spectacle


Other Ethical, Political and Legal Web Sites

Coming next month: Free speech. March: Progress and decay.

"Noticing that no-one held the values I defended, I decided to make a spectacle of myself."--Richard Foreman

Copyright Jonathan Blumen 1996 except as otherwise indicated

Artist: Laurie Caro; all art copyright Laurie Caro 1996 except as otherwise indicated

Email: jblumen@spectacle.org